What is the difference between the IB Diploma Programme and the Norwegian national system?

This list highlights some of the differences between chosing the IB Diploma Programme and Vg2 + Vg3 studiespesialiserende

  • The IB instruction language is English
  • Only six subjects + CAS and TOK
  • Smaller groups (rather than full classes) with close connection between student and tutors
  • No physical education, - but activity included in CAS
  • The subject of Norwegian is a study of literature and academic writing, sidemål is not required
  • Assessment in all subjects according to the formal IB assessment criteria
  • Oral individual exams in all language subjects
  • Written exams in English in all subjects at the end of the third and final year
  • The exams are short, varying from 45 minutes to 2,5 hours
  • All learning activities are planned in accordance with the IB learner profile attributes